Millstone Township
Foundation for Educational Excellence 



Who We Are
MTFEE Info Pamphlet.pptx
Officers & Trustees
Friends of the Foundation
Advisory Board
Calendar of Events
Trustees Login
Email Login
Trustee Application Online Form

Trustee Profile:

  • Hard working
  • Willingness to dedicate time/energy
  • Strong commitment to public education
  • Strong fundraising/PR skills  

Additional Information:

  • Trustees not eligible during months of induction will be encouraged to become active volunteers until time of induction.
  • All new inductees will serve either a three-year term or the remaining term of a vacant trusteeship.
  • Trustees are expected to make every effort to attend all MTFEE board meetings.
  • All trustees must actively participate in all major fundraising events.
  • Trustees are responsible for formal written notification to the president and copy to the Recording Secretary of the board of trustees, of imminent resignation of trustee position.

Please complete where applicable and return to the MTFEE Recording Secretary or other MTFEE trustee. Please feel free to include a copy of your resume. Thank you for your interest!

Trustee Application Online Form

Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Place of Employment - Position:
Volunteer Experience:
Children in district:
Referred by:
Please briefly describe why you would like to become a trustee of the MTFEE:
Birth Date (in lieu of signature):
Resume (optional):
Required! Please re-type the word below into the blank field.
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