Millstone Township
Foundation for Educational Excellence 



2023 Grants
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How Grants Are Evaluated
Cycle 20 - Fall 2013 - $4,203
  •  Inspiration STEMs from Education Program ($2,545.00) (Pre-K through 5th grade, Michelle Falanga) As part of their STEM educational series, LSC provides traveling science exhibits in the form of assemblies or small classroom workshops. For grades 1-5, LSC offers “Science Circus,” which will give Millstone Township public school students in those grades the opportunity to explore positives and negatives of static electricity, sub-zero temperatures of liquid nitrogen, states of matter and the immense pressure of air to name a few. The show will include more than a dozen experiments, with volunteer and audience interaction. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be offered smaller classroom workshops that align with the current Kindergarten curriculum. “The Skeleton Inside You” will offer students the opportunity to participate in some in-depth learning, as they craft their own “broken bone” and mend it in a cast.
  •  Eagle Engineers: Mad for Maglev! ($1,658.19) (6th, 7th and 8th Grades, Beth Topinka)This grant will introduce Millstone Township middle school students to the engineering design process, as they apply their understanding of electric circuits and magnetic forces to design, build, test and optimize maglev train cars. The project will optimize STEM learning—integrating science, technology, engineering and math. Theproject will begin with foundation lessons and video clips of maglev trains around the world to see technology in action. Then students will create a train car that can levitate using magnets and travel smoothly down a safely electrified 16-foot track. Students will have a materials budget to encourage careful planning. The project will be structured so students are guided and supported as they design, build and test their train cars. The students will also document their progress by keeping a design journal and recording video of their progress on iPadsTM.