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Cycle 11 - Fall 2006 - $29,295.79
Cycle 11 - Fall 2006 - $29,295.79
Dance Dance Dance ($10,118.79) [Kelly Rossetto - Grades 5-8]
This project provides 3 classes worth of students a dance pad, one big TV/VCR/DVD on a cart and a play station 2 – complete with the Dance Dance Revolution gaming system. The basic program is for 75-80 students to follow the game and dance program. There will be two live pads and the rest will be for students to follow along. Offers invigorating cardio respiratory activities to phys-ed classes that everyone can participate in simultaneously. It is replicable and the kids already like and will gravitate to it.
A Book with a View - A Visual World to Text Connection ($2,251.00) [Cari Jensen - Grade 4 - Special Education Resource Room]
This program provides fourth grade classified students with the opportunity to make “Visual Text to World” connections by reading grade appropriate children’s novels while viewing the film adaptation of the novel on an ongoing basis. A picture is worth a thousand words is a great way to describe this grant app. It offers an activity that will enrich the present reading curriculum and motivate academically challenged students to make lasting “Text to World” Connections. We believe the enrichment provided will make a lasting impression on the students.
Project Wisdom ($1,356.00) [Rhonda Joyce, Rachael Bolen, Christina Morehead - Grades 6-8]
Designed as a school wide character education initiative. It will provide over three years worth of announcements that promote thematic character development for every student of the New Millstone Middle School. Additionally, it provides teacher resource website access, lesson plans, and journal entry topics related to the themes addressed in the announcements. Our school receives lifetime licensing agreement to use them. Since we have three years worth of announcements, it will cover a 6-8 grade cycle, so that new 6th graders will hear all the messages over their three years. We feel this program builds on the core values of respect, resourcefulness and responsibility.
Audio Enhancement ($11,520.00) [Mrs. Romano, Ms. Mueller, Mrs. Lucy, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hurley, Ms. Willams, Mrs. Schiumo - Grade 2]
This grant would supply all 2nd grade teachers with the FM microphone system to use when speaking in the classroom and to enhance verbal directions and instruction. Eliminates repetitiveness and disturbances that cause children to miss the point. Gives children improved phonemic awareness. This grant amplifies the teachers’ entire curriculum creating a better learning environment.
Dynamic Digital Microscoping ($4,050.00) [Mary O'Rourke, Beth Topinka, Gloria Tomasella - Grades 6-8]
This grant requests two state of the art digital microscopes – one compound and one stereomicroscope for classroom observation and image capture of microscopic and 3D specimens. The digital microscope enables detailed examination of the thin-slice microscopic specimens such as single celled organisms. The stereomicroscope enlarges small 3D objects for close up examination of insects, plants, animal material, fungi, soil, rocks, fossils, and more. Both provide an outstanding tool for guided exploration and modeling of lab procedures and techniques enhancing the current curriculum.